the cats.



Giant, curmudgeonly, cuddlewhore George. Equal parts grumpy and lovey, George has been a fixture since college. Interests include sleeping, eating, screaming to be fed, being adored and thoroughly investigating (with all senses) any and all plants that enter the house.







The newest addition, Newt was a rescue cat. She is fearless and as of yet has shown more interest in her own litter box than anything plant related. Interests include playing, playing, playing, sitting on people, playing and wrecking bathrooms.






Cat Lynch

Cat Lynch is a Columbus based, multidisciplinary artist and writer. Born the grand Midwest, she is inspired by body parts, birds, old photos of people she’s never met, obsessive collections, folk art, and patterns.

By day she works as an art facilitator at Open Door Art Studio, by night she makes things and in between she digs in the dirt.

About This Site:

Growing up I was surrounded by gardens and all the endless tasks that went with them. After moving into my first apartment in college I found that I missed it all. Five years, several sacrificed houseplants, and lots of research/dreaming I found myself in Columbus with a  small plot of dirt. This site was started to record, share and celebrate the things that have come out of that dirt because, as Micheal Pollan puts it, those who garden inevitably feel the need to write about it.


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