Sundry and Sunny Reasons to Celebrate

Confessional time: I’ve been busy. So busy in fact that I’ve somehow managed to keep two great goings-on all to myself. Rude.

The first happening happened last Thursday- I came home to find our first ripe tomato.

CLynch 2012

Sure it’s not the biggest or even the reddest (though to be fair, it is a bi-color cherry tomato), but jeezow. Garden tomato, still-warm tomato, shared-with tomato is so. good.  This is why I cannot bring myself to buy tomatoes from supermarkets for 75% of the year- once you know this exists all else seems pale in comparison.

Because this modest little love apple also marks the first tomato grown successfully from seed to ripe fruit*, I thought it worthy of a long overdue cat photo shoot. Which was about as successful as anything involving cats and expectations ever is.

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George was so uninterested in said fruit, he wouldn’t even look at it.
He’s really more of a greens guy.

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Newt, on the other hand, found that when produce is close in shape and color to her favorite toy, she is suddenly very interested indeed.

Last week I also found out Marcy from For Your Good Health nominated Cat Digs Dirt for a Sunshine award! It came a total surprise, given how young and rough this blog still feels, and a complete honor. Marcy is a fellow gardener and writer (her article about blender composting has me seriously intrigued). Thanks Marcy!

The Rules of the Sunshine Blog Award are 1) Accept the award; 2) post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link; 3) answer the questions below; 4) pass the award to 10 other blogs providing links to their blogs; and 5) contacting them to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

1.  favorite color? – red, though brown and grey rank high as well.

2. favorite animal? – Cats. I wish it were something more exciting, but if I’m being honest it’s totally cats. Poor Boyfriend has to constantly endure endless cats stories, youtube videos, pictures, imitations, renactments with our own cats…So yeah. Cats.

3. favorite number? – Three. (Wow, when did I become the most boring person in the world?)

4. favorite drink? – Hot tea; I love making it, I love drinking it, and if there are saucers or teapots involved- hot damn! (Seriously, self, do you also like long walks on the beach?). If it’s a PG-13 kind of day, gin and tonic’s my go-to.

5. Facebook or Twitter? – I never really ‘got’ twitter (because I’m a million years old and boring as hell apparently), so I guess Facebook, although I really use facebook more to further my own selfish blog-advertising more than anything else.

6. what is your passion? – art, sustainability, gardening, eating food that is good for both myself and my fellow humans, sci-fi, cats, lost causes and soapboxes.

7. giving or getting presents? – Oh my gosh, totally giving. I love the hunt.

8. favorite pattern – Currently crushing on Jane Richmond’s Georgia. I’ve bought a pattern from her before and not only are they fairly inexpensive and simple enough for my taste, her customer service is awesome.

9. favorite day of the week? – Really depends on the week.

10. favorite flower? – Daisies (just to, y’know, really drive home the fact that I am lame. although the flowers on my purple basil are giving them a run for their money)

But now that you know more about me than you probably ever wanted to know, go check out these wonderful sites, in no particular order:

  1. The Creative Cleanse
  2. Birth, Stuff, Death
  3. The Stay At Home Scientist
  4. Cozy Crooked Cottage
  5. Confessions of a Mulch Addict
  6. Ph.D.s and Pigtails
  7. Soilent Greens (so jealous of this name, by the way)
  8. While You Wait For the Bread to Bake
  9. The Magnificent Something
  10. Fibromy-Awesome.

*In the fairness of full disclosure, it’s likely the Cherokee purple would’vebeen the first had a tomato hornworm not found the two almost-ripest tomatoes and chomped away gleefully. Don’t worry, the little bastard died a painful death. Probably. I mean, I was too squeamish to either touch or squash the thing, but I did manage to coax it onto a very large piece of mulch which I then hurled across the yard.

CLynch 2012

May robins feast on his guts.

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