There is a road that meets the road that goes to my house and how the green grows there

Photos taken this past week without time or thought to blog about them, along with a few related internet treats.

CLynch 2012

Newt admiring the third bunch of chard this season. This bunch met its end as chard pesto. (recipe soon)

C Lynch 2012

One of three burgeoning eggplants currently in the yard at the same rate as the zucchini. I can taste the ratatouille already.

C Lynch 2012

The sunflower! It’s one thing to see a picture of one, and quite another, I found out, to actually stand underneath one of these. Currently 6 inches across in the middle, it should continue to grow to nearly twice that. Awesome.


Nerd-crush Micheal Polen’s Food Movement Rising – awesome article and a list of intriguing-looking books that are destined for my grubby hands.


One thought on “There is a road that meets the road that goes to my house and how the green grows there

  1. Pingback: cat digs dirt.

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